Blueprints may be more spiritual than we realize. By blueprints, I mean calculated plans to construct a preferred future (Luke 14:28-29; Proverbs 16:9, 19:21, and 21:5).
I think when you stop dreaming about a better future, hope fades. It may even be lost. God-sized dreams and deliberate plans make for a fulfilling life.
At Dreams & Desserts, we presented three conceivable “preferred futures” for completing BCC’s facility. Professionals refer to these as blueprints, but we know they’re much more than prints on paper that are blue in color.
They’re hopes and dreams. They’re a means to accomplish God’s Mission. They’re one of the most significant investments we will make.
We’ve been through this before. Each blueprint has pros and cons. There’s a difference in cost between them. No plan has been processed thoroughly except the “shell” or footprint. This is intentional.
Once we identify the most appropriate and efficient square footage, steel structure, and location, we’ll process our needs with the architect and contractor and begin focusing on the inside. In other words, don’t get bogged down on inside details yet. It’s not time.
These represent three likely concepts after meeting with the architect and contractor. The final plan will not look exactly like any of these. It probably will look similar to one or a combination of two.
As you look them over, please pray. As you pray, please dream. Remember, for ten years, God allowed BCC to be portable to teach us that His Church is not a building. We know that well. Church is His people. A building is a powerful tool to help us better accomplish His mission.
BCC has been more effective with half a building than when we were portable. We’ll be even more effective when we finish what we started.
What a special time to be here. Enjoy what’s going on. It will be over before we know it.
- Pastor Jeff